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Goalies RolePlay

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:02 pm


I blinked, then immediately looked at Mikey(: "Mike! You PINKIE PROMISED this one was mine! I even told you so!" I whined. Zero looked guilty, watching Nella drive away. He looked at me and sighed. "Zack, this it it was me." He bit his lip: the same one Nella had been kissing just minutes ago.

I stumbled back, holding onto the couch and dropping teh precious bacon all over the polished wood floor and yelped. Not because of the bacon; because of what had happened. Mike guiltily picked up a piece of greasy bacon from the floor and ate it. XD

I blinked, feeling dizzy. I ran to the door, breathing lightly. "Nella!" I cried. But she was nowhere in sight.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:17 pm

Rawr, you need to show us a video of you singing in teh band o3o you guys are good.

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Post  Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:20 pm

Yeah, they can play, but you dunno how good they actually sound without a vocalist? :D

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:10 pm

Nella drove home, still so confused. She didn’t know Zero….at all. But she kissed him back..but she loved Zack and it was all…ARGG! It was so confusing! Nella couldn’t talk to Zack about it…what would he say? And she really didn’t want him to blame Zero cause she kissed him back. She’d have to figure it out on her own…and fast. Her phone was still in her pocket and she had a sudden urge to call Zack and tell him that she loved him..but she didn’t.

Pulling into her drive way she sat there with her hands so tight on the wheel her knuckles turned a light shade of white. “Oh my gammit..” She said, LIKE FRED XD LOL. She reached in her pocket and took out her phone…already two texts from Zack. ‘What happened with you and Zero?’ ‘Is everything okay?’ Nella bit her lip and hit her head on the steering wheel and set off the horn.

Nella clicked on the reply button and stared down at the white screen. “I don’t even know what to say…” She mumbled, hitting the period key over and over again. Finally, she just texted back ‘I’m fine.”

LOL. I just joined the band this summer and we need to get a mic amp. But we're going to play at the variety show this maybe I can get Timmah's mom to videotape it (:
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:47 pm

I stared at Zero. Zero stared at me. Mike sat in the background playing with Squinkies.

"You kissed my girlfriend." I said, sitting on my knees. I squinted at him, pulling at the Silly Bandz on my wrist. He shrugged, and avoided my gaze. I grabbed his shirt neck by the collar, and he tried to struggle away, but he couldn't. I was too strong.

I checked my Blackberry and it buzzed with a new text from Nella. I looked at Zero sadly, releasing his shirt collar and lying on the floor sadly. I sighed, feeling like a deflated balloon. No use. Useless. Gone. Did Nella even want to come back? And, the bigger question: Did she even love me?

Zero didn't even tell me what had happened. He'd been silent the whole time. I rubbed my face, banging my head against the wall again and again even though it truly wasn't my fault at all. It was my brother's. My idiot brother's.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:56 pm

Nella sat there in there in her car for a while and rocked herself back and forth again. She knew she had to talk to Zack about this…but what could she say? That Zero kissed her and her lips just happened to start kissing his like magic? Even Zack wouldn’t believe that…Nella loved him and everything but she didn’t know exactly why she did kiss him back…it confused even her and she hated it.

Nella pushed open the door of her car and slinked out. Usually she would go skipping in the door then twirl around just to see how cool it would make her favorite yellow skirt but she didn’t. All she did was walk inside and grab a piece of chocolate from the bowl on the dining room table. After all, chocolate is a girl’s best friend.

Nella unwrapped the sweet goodness in the tin foil and plopped it in her mouth. Not even the chocolate was making her feel better. She felt so guilty for kissing Zero. He was Zack’s brother for god’s sake. You know what place always calmed her down? The park…just sitting on the swing calmed her down..and the park was so much fun.

The park wasn’t too far away so she got there in five minutes just by walking. No one was really there because it was past five and she spent a while at Zack’s house and at her own just sitting in the car. Nella sat down on the swing set and took out her phone. No reply from Zack…did he think that she didn’t love him?
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:04 pm

i don't know what to do . are we supposed to talk . what would a good couple do . wwgcd.

hello ?

mail lady . are you there .

i got new bacon .

I texted her for like, the sixth time in the past ten minutes and she hadnt replied. I sighed, holding my head in my hands. I felt something tickle up against my hand, and I peeked out. "Mike! Not the time!" I yelped, seeing his penguin Squinkie right in my face.

Noah was looking through the mail. "Bills, bills, bills, bills, college rejection, bills."

I looked up, sighing. "I'd assume the rejection is mine?"

"Yep." He shrugged. "Come on, buddy. I'm sure one school will except pretty much all D-'s. One of them's got to. You'll get into a fancy one, I'll bet. A room with a mini refridgerator and everything."

"Does Yale have mini refridgerators?"

Noah bit his lip. "Uh, no, we have full sized ones."

I rolled my eyes, checking my phone. Still no reply. What was I supposed to do? Give up? That's certainly how I was raised.

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Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:12 pm

Nella read through all the texts and her eyes started to water. He really did care..but she didn’t know what to say to him. “I’m sorry I kissed your brother.” No one would take that…that sounds stupid. The only reason she didn’t answer was because she didn’t know what to say to him.

Nella shoved her phone into her coat pocket and grabbed onto the chains of the old swing. This park had been here forever and Nella still came whenever she had time. Although, the chains did get a little rusty it was still the same park she’d been going since she was a little kid.

She didn’t know why, but being on that swing helped her think. Nella knew that she needed to talk to Zack, but she’d take it step by step. Nella didn’t want to do it in person..that would be worse than texting him about it.


Nella texted him. She bit her lip and clicked ‘send a new message.’

Zack…you know I love you..right?

Nella wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her over sized sweat shirt. Looking down at it, she realized it was Zacks…his favorite one too. It still smelled like him. Bacon and Zack<3 That was Nella’s favorite smell and she just wanted to be wrapped in his arms right now. </3
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:20 pm

My phone buzzed, making me jump and fall off the couch, forcing my sleepy body awake. I yelped in my sleepy, congested voice. Girls always thought that was kind of cute, but I didn't get it. It was just a yelp. In a congested voice.

I grabbed my phone off of my chest, seeing two new texts. I sighed, hitting unlock and entering my passcode: ZACKOMANLOVESBACON. I hung my head, looking at the texts and the sky that was continuing to get the least bit darker every few minutes. Zero had left to visit Storm. Noah was studying. Mike was eating a Hot Pocket on the island in the kitchen. I looked over, and he smiled and waved at me happily. Gosh, was I that annoying?

I rubbed my forehead, realizing my shirt had ridden half way up my chest while I had been sleeping. ((Nice abs, Zack. {;)) SHUT UP! So...anyway...

I realized my guitar, all fixed and looking new on the coffee table beside me with an orange Post-It! note stuck to it. 'sorry. :{' it said. I shook my head.

I read the texts, and swallowed back some phelgm.

i thought i did . i dont know what i ever felt until i met you . being on the run for years, you sort of learn to mask your emotions . with you it was impossible . i wanted so badly to be able to make you jealous with bean . but i couldnt . i guess you bring out the best in me, nella .

my life is so messed up . i dont believe what zero did to you . i want to get back at him , but i cant . i just cant, period .

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  Guest Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:21 pm

*Pokepokepoke* Spinnin, I'm on. ;D

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:31 pm

Nella fumbled with the strings on the sweatshirt. She remembered last summer when Zack was wearing it that she pulled them so you could only see his mouth..and then he kissed her. Nella smiled softly at the memory, but she felt horrible. Horrible for what she did to him and she wasn’t even saying sorry…she was too scared to…

Nella ran a hand through her hair and twirled a strand around her finger. Nella hated her hair, it was always so weird looking. She remembered when her and Zack had a sleepover at her house…he sniffed it because he thought her shampoo smelled good<3 Oh Zack xD I make him sound so awkward. LOL.

Nella felt her phone buzz in her pocket, but she was hesitant in opening it. What if he said that he didn’t want to see him again? What if he said that they needed to move on to other people? Or what if he said that he didn’t love her? Nella pressed her eyes in the palms of her hands. It was getting dark and she was getting really tired.

I love you Zack…I love you so much that it hurts sometimes…and I’m sorry for what happened with me and zero…I didn’t mean to kiss him back . if i could i would turn back time and make sure it was you…i love you<3 and i always will….gut..i didn’t think you’d forgive me…bc. It was your brother..and i just feel horrible..
Nella sent the message and sat there…waiting for a reply.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:37 pm

Now I was just walking around wearing my jeans but no shirt x3 I mean, what was the point though? I was wearing a black beanie over my messy hair, trying to tune my guitar to the right tune, because, of course, he'd messed it up. But you couldn't blame him. Guitars were NOT his forte. He was a skater.

My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out of my pocket. I saw it and replied.

i forgive u and i kno it wasnt ur fault. zero isn't usually liek that and idk what got into him. i would ask you to come back. but i cant now can i? no.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:42 pm

Nella pushed her bangs back into her hair, but they just flopped back into her face. She sighed and zippered up the jacket. It was getting kind of cold. Her phone vibrated and she quickly pulled it out of her pocket. Nella really wanted to see Zack… now.

Meet me at the park . No one’s here . . . so we can talk .

Nella pressed send and started pushing herself off the ground and let the swing swing back and forth, back and forth. She wondered if Zack would come with her…
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:47 pm

Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Tumblr_lo5m4wJfeq1qikf4xo1_500

What she's wearing:

Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Poofy_Yellow_Skirt_by_tonstaar

With this sweat shirt:
Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 8C45BC79
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:52 pm

I drove over, gripping the steering wheel with one hand, practically crashing into trees. I didn't need to get out of people's way. They swerved out of mine.

I pulled up to the park and sighed before getting out of the car and slamming the door. My nose twitched at the smell of pine cones, bringing back memories (don't ask). My silver nose piercing bobbed up and down. I flipped my hair, and headed towards the swings. I knew she'd be there.

We looked at each other for a minute, and then I leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. I stayed there, then pulled back for breath.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:57 pm

Nella stood up and wrapped her arms around Zack, just standing there for a minute or two with him. “I love you…” She mumbled into his jacket. How many did he say he had again? Over two hundred? Nella remembered when he showed her his amazing closet. It was every girls dream. It made her laugh that he had THAT many clothes.

Nella sat down on the swing and he sat across from her. She didn’t really know what to say. Biting her lip, she ran her hands through her hair and played with the sleeve of the sweet shirt.

“Zack..” She started, reached over to hold his hand. His hand was warm…but then again she had been sitting out here for a while. Nella always loved playing with his fingers, because it always made him show her that cute little smile he knew she loved.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:03 pm

XD! Stay here, dinner. I'll eat fast.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:03 pm

SpinninAround<3 wrote:XD! Stay here, dinner. I'll eat fast.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:24 pm

A smile smile played across my face, as she played with my fingers. x3
I loved when she did that.

I looked up at her with my baby blue eyes. "I want to become a geezer with you,
you know that?" I said, smiling. I held her in my arms,
hugging her.
There was a little kid and his mom close to us,
the little kid playing with
a Bakugan.
I made a :O face.
"I want that." I whined, pointing.
The boy looked at me, but quickly looked away.


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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  Guest Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:25 pm

Spinnin, Do you just not want to role play? If no, that's completely fine. I will understand. (:

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:29 pm

no, that's okay...I can rp. I just forgot to reply...sorry.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:33 pm

Nella smiled and twined their fingers together, holding tight onto his hand. “Me too…will you still love me when I look like an old lady?” Nella said, leaning her forehead against his and staring into his blue eyes with her brown ones.<3 She saw a future in them<3 a happy one.

“I’ll get you one for your birthday…but shhh don’t tell Zack..” She said, placing a finger on his lips and giggling. Nella smiled and moved her hand down to his other hand and played with his fingers once again. “You have long fingers..” Nella commented, looking down at his fingers. “They make mine look mini….” She said, smiling softly.

They must’ve looked weird. After all, they were on two different swings and pressed against each other. Well, their foreheads. It might look like simple puppy love to a lot of other people but to them it meant so much more and Nella wanted it to stay that way forever. Nella pushed a ring off of her middle finger and onto Zack’s. “Can you wear this for me?” She asked, biting her lip. “It’d mean a lot to me…” Nella said, her cheeks starting to blush. It was just a ring, a simple silver ring band. To her it meant that he’d stay with her for a while…she didn’t know…she just liked knowing he’d wear it.

"Will you?" She asked, kissing his lips gently.
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:47 pm

I pursed my lips slightly, making my chin crumble togehter and making my recently pierced under-lip studs shine slightly. "As long as you're not always prune-y." I chuckled slightly. Gosh, how did I ever deserve this girl in this life<3

"That'll be craploads of fun!" I gasped, smiling. "I can make him go against Mike's Squinkies. But of course, he has the girl kind, so he'll totally be annihilated. He took them from his girlfriend who's not as amazing as mine." I kissed her.

"My fingers aren't long, yours are just stubby. Stubbystubbystubby!" I said, tracing the outline of each little vein on her fingers, kissing them after I had traced them all. "You know I almost gave up on you today," I said, my forehead pressed against hers. "but then I remembered why I held on for so long." I put my arms around her.

"Yes." I said, slipping the ring onto my finger and kissing her passionately.

Zackie needs to propose soon D:< or like they should take it to the next level...

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:55 pm

DUDE yes! later! Like go to Nella's house(: Her parents are on vay-cayy<33
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 35 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:58 pm


After theyre done at the park they can just go there...

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