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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:00 am

+-Rawr-+ wrote:Nella <-------Bacon in this post XD
She blinked and leaned back on her pillow and bit her lip. “Oh..” Should she say sorry? “I’m sorry..” She said, messing around with a ring her parents had gotten her on her birthday. Nella hadn’t really known had a relationship crises before so she didn’t know what to say to make him feel better. “Tell you what. Tomorrow I’ll buy you a whole plate of bacon. Would that make you feel better?”She cracked a small smile even though she knew no one could see. Her cat, polka dot(XD), jumped up onto her bed and curled up on her lap. She sighed and stroked her head. “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone knew. You’re nice enough and you’re pretty cool and funny. A lot of girls love that.”

Repost for when Yoda gets on :3
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Post  Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:48 am

I will not be on from Today to next Tuesday. I'm going on vacation.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  Supa-Bacon-Cat Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:48 pm

okay, have fun tiger! :)

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:31 pm


"Bacon?" I said in a high voice that was both not manly and NOT mine. I cleared my throat and said it deeper. "I mean, uh, BACON?!" In the background, "Happy" by NeverShoutNever played(: I tapped my fingers on the edge of the bed, mouthing out the words. Storm always said I didn't suck at singing, but I probably shouldn't do it in public. I only did it when I was alone. I barely even hummed after Storm had told me that. But somehow when Nella was hearing me, I felt more comfortable. I ignored it.

I grabbed my jar of peanut butter out of the dresser drawer. I screwed off the lid and started licking it off my fingers. Yum. I bet you didn't know that I go through about a jar of peanut butter a week. It's just really good. It's really not good for you, either. X3

I laid down staring at the ceiling, wincing at my ribs. Geez, I Had the feeling that I'd broken more than 7. "Ow." I moaned. I set my jar of peanut butter next to me and started sticking my finger in and pulling it out and licking it. "Peanut butter is good." I Said with a sticky mouthful.

Oh, Zack. I am going to quote Rawr. "Zack, you are trapped in a teenagers body...but WE LOVE YOU ANYWAY!"


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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:28 pm

Nella <--- Peanut butter in this post XD HEEHEE
She laughed, “Yes Bacon. I was speaking English, right?” She joked, twirling a piece of hair around her finger like a lot of girls do when they’re on the phone with cute boys. Nella’s cat purred in her lap and she chuckled, “Shh polka dot I’m on the phone.” He gave a disgruntled meow and jumped out of her lap. Attitude much. “Peanut butter?” I had to laugh, but not too loud, my parents were still sleeping. “Maybe I’ll pick you up a jar of peanut butter on the way to breakfast too. I think after tomorrow I’ll be broke.” She laughed, running a hair through her already messy hair. “Listen, Zack, I’d love to stay up and talk but I’m really tired.” She peered at the clock again and it read one o’clock. They had been talking for an hour? It seemed longer. “What time do you want me to pick you up for breakfast tomorrow?” She asked, yawning. With seven broken ribs it wouldn’t be very comfortable driving. That’s why she offered. After all, she was seventeen.

yesh we lurv you Zack :3
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  Guest Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:54 am

Here! Sorry I was on vacation for two weeks. @YODA can you repost?

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:51 am


I sighed, shaking out my hair in slow motion. In the other room, Storm let out a shout. I did not want to know what was going on in there. As tempting as it was to go and pop in, Storm would beat me up if I did. XP "No, it was more Vietnemse." I said, shaking my head. Of course, I was only joking.

"Awhh." I said. "Okay. Pick me up..." That sounded weird. Usually I picked chicks up. Whatever. I hung up and went to bed...

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:01 pm

You better still be here because I’m posting :3
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:10 pm

She layed her phone down on the nightstand and curled up under the bed covers again. Almost instantly, she fell into a deep sleep. Nella’s alarm clock sounded around eight am. Pressing the snooze, she fell back into the pillow. No one was really a morning person. Nella hated them. Why couldn’t everyone just wake up in the afternoon? That made more sense.(In what world o.e)Well, anyways, she took a shower, washing her hair with berry scented shampoo and conditioner. What? It was her favorite. She had to blow dry her hair after she got out or it would be soaked for an hour or two. It always made her colder when she was too lazy to dry it. She pulled on a pair of black jeans and a snoopy T-shirt. He was her favorite character in Charlie Brown. She styled her hair so her bangs made a little curve across her forehead and the rest of her hair fell straight behind her back. WAIT! Almost done. All she had left to put on, was a black and white bow head band. Then she was done. There, perfect. XD She stuffed her domo wallet into her back pocket and walked downstairs, skipping breakfast and right out her front door. The thing she loved most about her parents was that they never asked her any questions on to where she was going. They weren’t as uptight as most parents. Nella got into her car and drove to Storm’s beach house to pick up Zack. She hoped, as she stepped out of the car, that when she knocked on the door Bean wouldn’t be there to answer it.
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:58 pm

Good hint. :D

Zackoman :3

Around 4 AM, I forced myself out of bed. As I usually did, I went to the gym. I used my pass and walked in to see my friends who must've left earlier, Nick, Mason, and Jerome. I laid down on the weight lifter thingy [what? am I supposed to know the NAME of it or something? o3o] and began lifting. The same fifty pound one I had dropped on my chest. I hadn't used it in a long time and, well, it really hurt with my ribs and all, but I didn't care. Up and down. Up and down. Around four-thirty I walked over to the treadmill. I ran and ran for a while. You know a great trick that I use to make me go faster? Pretend Storm is chasing you. Yeah, that freaks me out. O_O Storm freaks everyone out.

Then I went to the pool. Yeah, my gym is awesome like that. I swam, mostly fooling around though. the waterslide is my favorite part(: At like, I don't know, 6 AM I left and just walked in the streets shirtless. People were sort of used to me by now. :D I'd been coming here since...geez, I don't know. With Storm, and only her. Since she could drive. We'd been so close to each other back then. It was ahmazing. Not anymore.

I sat at the table. I pulled my guitar pick out of the freezer (it's the only safe place o.e) and grabbed my guitar. I hooked it up to the amp and began to rock out. And then there was screaming. Laughing But I didn't stop. Yeah, it was six in the morning. Whatever. That's just me. I put my pick back in the freezer.

At 7:45...THE DREADED NUMBER popped up on my phone. My Adam's Apple bobbed up and down. That's what Storm says I do when I'm nervous. I threw my phone across the room and it shattered into pieces. "Ooops." I giggled, laying back on the couch. Minutes later, Storm came, well, storming out of her bedroom.

"Zack," she said, her face pale. She was blocking the part where you speak of her cell phone. "It's Griff." I bit my lip, and somehow I said, "I know." I let out a deep breath, looking at my broken phone.

I'd never told anyone about Griff. Neither did Storm. Not CJ, not Caleb. I hadn't even told Bells. It was just...personal, I guess. Griff was Storm's third, my second father. I guess he was decent. He was the one who sent us away. I guess it was better than my real dad. Never met the guy. Storm was born when my mom fell in love with this awesome guy. His name was Sean. According to Storm, he was great. After a while, Noah was born. Next, Storm was born and everything was perfect. Then, Sean got into a car crash. Mom got hit really hard. She started going out a lot, leaving a really young Storm at home with no one in an old apartment. Soon, I was born. I never knew my father. Storm was too young to even ever remember his face, if she ever even saw him.

One day when Storm was 16 and I was 12, she told me to pack everything I needed. I grabbed everything and packed it into a bag. We left Noah behind and...left. We never turned back. Our parents called, begging us to come back. Storm said they didn't need us. Finally, they let go and basically shunned us from their family. They wanted better children, adn maybe that's what they got. I'd never asked. Griff was mom's new husband.

"We need to go home, Zack." Storm said. A tear rolled down her face.
"Home?" I asked. "Like, California home?"
"No." She said. "Real home."

Suddenly, someone rang the doorbell. I didn't bother to check who it was.


I pulled open the door and there stood...that girl. Stella. [Gosh, Aria! You still can't get her name right!] Give me a break, Yoda! Really!

"Uh, hi." I said. In the background, there were yells between Zack and Storm. "Are you looking for Zack?"

Sorry for the loooong post...just figured it was time to throw in some history... :P

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:24 pm

Rawr... (: I think I'll wait for you for a little bit for Zack's sake...

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:31 pm

MasterYoda(: wrote:Rawr... (: I think I'll wait for you for a little bit for Zack's sake...

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:35 pm

OHKAYY! Read it and now I’m posting.
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:40 pm

She blinked when she heard Zack and Storm’s yelling. “Um…Yea.” Nella answered, fiddling with her fingers. “If…he’s..uh…busy I’ll just leave.” She bit her lip, and looked up at Bean. Last night Zack seemed fine, well rather from the fact that he had a broken heart and broken ribs. She was curious as to what they were arguing about, but this was something not even Nella could butt into. “Obviously this is a bad, can you do me a favor and tell him when he…calms down that I went home?” It looks like when she finally did get to see Zack she’d have to buy him double the amount of peanut butter and bacon she had promised him. She could only imagine what was going on today. It wasn’t a good week for Zack O_O Nella felt bad ):. “You’re Bean, right?” Nella asked, her curiosity picking up. Zack had talked about her once or twice when he was with her. O3o

Lame post compared to yours o-e
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:27 am

Yoda will you do a repost for me please? Thanks!

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:00 am

Bryce Thomas Montgomery

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. The white van that was transporting a hurt body to the Mercy West hospital, I guess, made a lot of sound. There was a beeping noise in the background that I think was the heart rate thing, but it didn't matter at all. I just wanted to know where it was really going.

There was a boy in the truck. He looked about my age and he had medium length dark brown hair, but not natural brown but you wouldn't be able to tell unless you looked really hard at his roots. His breath was rattling, but the doctor seemed to be paying no attention to him; more so to his iPod. I guess his Facebook friends were more important than a dying patient. He tried to talk to him, but all that came out was an ugly squal that didn't sound human; something he never knew he was capable of.

Suddenly, the truck lurched onto a dirt path into what was the hospital. Suddenly, the heart rate started going faster and faster and faster. Was he going to flatline?They tried to help him, but it was no use. Suddenly, his eyes closed and his breathing slowed suddenly. They thought he had died, but I knew better. He had slipped underwater, otherwise known as a coma. And he probably wouldn't wake up at all.

And I am too stunned in this moment to realize that it is me.


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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:09 am


"Yeah." I gave a smile, looking at the girl. I mean, it wasn't that bad. "I know we're supposed to sort of hate each other, you know, 'You stole my boyfriend!'...but I don't want it to be that way." I bit my lip. I didn't like having things unsettled. And Zack HATED his exs even SEEING each other in public. It would totally annoy him if we were friends. "You know...if you agree..." The yelling in the background suddenly ceased. Zack pushed through me, biting his lip. He looked like he might have been crying, but he never would've showed that even if it would save his life. "Let's go." He mumbled, taking his grey "Silent Dreamers" t-shirt off the coat rack and sliding it onto his body.


Okay, Bean, first of all, it's not spelled "grey." Only losers spell it that way. You're supposed to spell it "gray." We're in America, right? Last time I checked--(Zack! Do your post!) Fine, Yoda. Don't have to be so pushy all the time. Push, push, push. Mad

Okay, so anyway, I grabbed my grey gray "Silent Dreamers" club tshirt and closed the door, taking one last glance at Storm. I'd been living this dream since I was twelve. I wasn't just going to let Griff control my life. Wasn't he the one that sent me here? He forced me to. He didn't want us. So now it's suddenly okay that he DOES want us? No. It's not.

The whole car ride (are they in a car? If they're not, I can edit this post.), I had my head down, breathing softly. My hair fell into my eyes, and my nose ring was crooked. It was really uncomfortable, actually. What would Griff say about the nose ring? He had tatoos going up his whole left arm. But one silly little nose ring would drive him nuts.

But then I remembered, oh yeahh. I wasn't going back.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:13 am

Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Thereadyset-1

Zack: "Oh hi Griff" :3

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:20 am

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:29 am

She kept the radio off and kept her eyes on the road. Nella bit her lip and gave a sideways glance at Zack. “A-are you okay?” She asked, kind of quiet. Nella was always nosy and curious, but she wondered if she should ask about this. Never, since she had known Zack, had she seen him this mad? Could she even call it that? Nella parked the car in the parking lot that the breakfast place and reached in the back for a black hoodie. Zipping it up, she peeked out from under her hair and looked at Zack. “You don’t have to tell me what happened... I just want to know if you’re okay.”Reaching up, she pulled a stray curl behind her ear and turned the key out of the ignition. Zack still wasn’t looking at her. Maybe she needed to double that order of bacon.Would he talk to her? Or would he just sit there and ignore her? Nella wanted anything but him ignoring her. That was one of her pet peeves. She hated it when people ignored her when they obviously heard her.

Yesh, they’re in a car.
o3o I thought Zack broke his cell phone?
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Post  I-Rawr-You Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:32 am

/Hopes you're still here
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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:36 am

Iknow, lol. It's him with Storm's phone. Laughing


"I got my dirty shoes 'cuz I'm in a dirty mood." I sat up, revealing my no longer yellow sneakers. "Well, my life has been a lie since I turned twelve, hmm, I'm being hunted down, the sky is falling, so, yeah! It's all peaches. I love it." I looked around at her messyish car. "Do you have a hat house?" I mumbled.

I get really random when I'm upset. But who cares? If she liked me enough, she wouldn't care. Maybe. This was usually how I put girls to the test. Got in a bad mood with my dirty shoes(: hehe. But I was really upset, yeah. Let's do double duty bacon. "We can go in." I said, clearing my throat, "I'm fine."

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  ofmiceandbrynne Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:37 am

I have to go for a little bit.

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Goalies RolePlay - Page 25 Empty Re: Goalies RolePlay

Post  I-Rawr-You Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:43 am

MasterYoda(: wrote:I have to go for a little bit.

o3o NUUU!
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Post  ofmiceandbrynne Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:45 am


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