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Just a heads up

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Just a heads up Empty Just a heads up

Post  Dancin' Kate Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:02 am

*Rubs temples* I don't know if I can take my fucked up life anymore. Just when I can start to smile and actually mean it, something comes up and forces me to hold the broken pieces of my heart together while everything else just falls apart. It's like I can't even be honestly happy anymore it's gotten so bad! At this point, I don't know if the bad is outweighing the good of this year. And yes, I'm rambling. Deal with it. Kate's lost a few screws and she's blowing her lid. And yes, I want you people to read my insane ranting to see what stress and anxiety do to a fourteen year-old girl.

I suppose I should give a reason for my sudden outburst... And I know you have no reason to believe this, but I've been balling my eyes out the past two days because my dog, Lou, well... he got sick. Really sick. I loved him so much, and now that I look back, every memory with him in it is so vivid and clear. Today my Mom took him to the vet, asked if there was anything that could be done, and when there wasn't... Well, you get the picture. He's gone; my best friend before I even had a best friend.

I endured every pain and hardship with him somewhere by my side and now, now I don't know what to do. I wanted to be there when he passed on so badly, but he was in so much pain... so much pain. But the worst part about all this? My Dad comes home this Sunday. He was so close to making it, and I truly thought he could make it until Dad came home but... Like I said, I just don't know if I can take this anymore.

I'll be completely honest and say that yes, this is a pity post for myself. I'm going to throw myself this one, small pity-party. Because you know what? After all the horrible, awful and painful things I've been through in this one year, I think I deserve just a little self-pity.

As always at the end of my rants, thank you for taking the time to read this if you did. I just ask that you pray for my Dad to make it home safely and for my sister who is really struggling with Lou's passing. Every thought counts. Thank you.
Dancin' Kate
Dancin' Kate

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Just a heads up Empty Re: Just a heads up

Post  Paranoiac Razor Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:23 am

Oh my Gosh, this is heart breaking kate im sorry for your dogs lost. We all know she loved you like you loved her I have a male dog named Max English mastiff i love with all my heart he was also my bestest friend. I'm afraid he'll pass too i love him just like you love Lou, Lou i know she was a big part of your life. Im here if you need anything or if you need a shoulder to cry on im here for you. You seem like a amazing person Kate and Lou knows that too. <3 he loves you hes in a better place now.

Paranoiac Razor
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Post  Midnight Wolf Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:12 am

Losing a pet is always hard, especially one that has been with you throughout almost your whole life. Lou will live on forever in your memory, and the best thing for you to do now if to take care of yourself and your family and make sure that everyone has peace of mind. It's a very stressful occasion, but the frustrated feelings won't help. Smile for Lou, because even a forced smile will make you feel better. He'd want you to continue life happily. There is nothing wrong with feeling sad from a lost friend at all, human or dog, and your sadness just shows that you truly loved him. Just don't let this sadness overtake the happy memories you have of him. =)
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Just a heads up Empty Re: Just a heads up

Post  ScarletTheKitty Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:54 pm

I'm so sorry Kate <3 And you should know, no one, and I mean no one, deserves a pity party more than you. There's not much I can say other than I give you my best wishes. And remember this:

I couldn't fall asleep and a sad song came on and reminded me of all the pain I've been through this past year and how once I experienced true pain, I was able to feel the true power of hope. <3 Please enjoy my words of encouragement and wisdom.

What is true pain?
Is it that scrap on my knee when I trip and fall?
No, because my grandfather always kissed it better.
Is it that bully who says all those mean things to me?
No, because my grandmother always told me to ignore what they say.
Is it those ten years away from my true home?
No, because my father always promises we'll be there again.
Is it that friendship that was never truely repaired?
No, because my mother always tells me that it's okay to move on.
Is it that boyfriend I never should have left?
No, because I always tell myself that something better will come along.
So what is true pain?
A scrap that can't be kissed better?
A bully who's words cannot be ignored?
A home that will never been returned to?
A friendship that can never be repaired?
A boyfriend who will never know?
True pain is being forced into a situation where you're swimming in dispair,
and can't find the surface to breath in comfort.
When you can't find the light in the dark.
When there's no one waiting for you on the other side.
When the peices of your shattered heart can't be fixed.
When everyone around you tells you that it will be okay,
and you know that it's a lie.
But you believe it.
Because with the understanding of true pain comes true hope.
A hope that your scrap will be kissed better.
That you will be able to ignore a bully's words.
That you will return to that home one day.
That a broken friendship can be put back together.
And that the boyfriend will someday know.
True hope is the only thing that saves us from the pain,
and makes us smile again..

and my somewhat cheesy not nearly as good reply:

I will be your true hope,
Your shoulder to cry on,
The one who listens to everything you say,
Every complaint about life, death, and everything in between,
I will be your true friend

I will be there forever. Haunting you when I'm dead.
A spirit following you down the street silently,
watching over you forever. And I know you'll be there for me,
when I'm down, too.
I will be your true friend

A friend standing at my side, a backbone,
Ready to help at any given time,
Just standing by, waiting.
You will be my true friend.

Waiting to help me through,
Waiting to tell me it'll get better soon,
Waiting to have a great time,
Waiting to be my true hope,
Waiting to be my true friend.

And true friends we shall be,
until the end of time.
We will be true friends.

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Just a heads up Empty Re: Just a heads up

Post  Wolves-Rule1 Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:40 pm

I know where your coming from Kate for the past I would say four years, it seems like all my family has taken is one hit after another. I just got kick out of my so call "home" by my bitch of a grandmother.

But I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going very well for you. I had a dog that we got when I was only six weeks old. She was my best friend, my sister, my everything. I loved her so much, when I was eleven she started to get sick, she had we think two strokes and she couldn't feel one of her paws. ONe day when I was at school she got sick and wouldn't even come in the house to get out of the pooring rain. My mom took her to the vet and put her down. I didn't even get to say good bye, I didn't get to give her a goodbye kiss. I cried for days and days. And still I cry every once in a while thinking about her.

Anyways, I know was your going through Babe. Ugh and it ain't fun. You just gotta old on to the last little bit of happieness you have. If you ever need some one to talk to, I'm here.

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