Queen-cat's charries
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Queen-cat's charries
The Skylings
Name: Sarah/Samueal
Nickname: Nope/Sam
Age: 23/34
Gender: You should figure that out yourself
Personality: Meet me honey/ Samuel is a tough guy, though he has soft spots if you can find them. He usually keeps to himself, though he's anything but shy.
Hair Color and Style: Brown, straight, layered, and down to the middle of her back. She has natural blonde highlights/ dirty blonde, short, spikey
Eye Color: blue/hazel
Ht & Wt.: 5'2' 146/6'2' 195, but mostly muscle
Looks Photo: Nope. Sorry buuuttt....you know the hair, eyes and height sooo....Fair complexion, tan, skinny/ not pale, but not exactly tan, either. He doesn't really show his weight, as it's mostly his muscles
Wing Length: 6'
Wings Photo:
Name: Sam (Angel)
Age: 4 almost 5 years (4 years)
Gender:male (Female)
Mate: no (want XD)
Crush: Luna
Pups: want (want)
Siblings: Angel (Sam)
Personality: meet me
History rather not talk about it
Rank Wanted: Rank is to be earned ( I want to prove i am a good pupsitter)
Parents: Dead, but were Rose and Jon
Rank: dont have one
Adoted Pups: not yet
Looks: A light brown/gold with some white.He has sea green eyes and white legs (light gray with matching eyes, and white ppaws, brown tip of tail
Name: Hugo/Rainy
Age:6 months/four weeks
Gender: brute/fae
Pup crush: eww/ gaaa
Mother: dead
Father: dead
Siblings: Rainy/ gaaa
Are you Adopted?: We don't have parents. They died when mean wolves came to our pack. I've taken care of me and Rainy for two days now XD
Looks: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=wolf+pup&start=282&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&addh=36&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=2-MLd8TwFEEBJM:&imgrefurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/members.htm&docid=XxMslZQEk6R1JM&imgurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/wolf%252520pics/arctic%252520wolf%252520pup2%252520AL.jpg&w=392&h=434&ei=2zoHUOK5L9HTqQG01ODPCA&zoom=1 / http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cute+gray+wolf+pup&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=zdMklZkfxPC1qM:&imgrefurl=http://davewelling.photoshelter.com/image/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc&docid=o_EuhL2DIgIT9M&imgurl=http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc/s/700/694922006-gray-wolf-canis-lupus-wild-pup-yawns-standing-on-hillside-in-Northwest-Territories-Canada.jpg&w=464&h=700&ei=PDwHUIGMG8i_rQHY7oTnCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=888&vpy=250&dur=78&hovh=276&hovw=183&tx=74&ty=298&sig=108051631096124412848&page=3&tbnh=148&tbnw=98&start=45&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:45,i:251
Name: Leaf/Taz
Age: YA/5 years
Gender: Fae/Brute
Mate: --
Crush: --
Pups: --
Siblings: dead/ only survivor of my litter
Personality: I'm not like most fae's. I'm smaller but stronger and very alert. I don't really know my own strength, and though most don't see me as a threat I can be if I want. I'm very straightforward usually / *snarls* Go away. I don't like people to pry. I have a soft spot that takes ALOT of work to find
History: (We've been traveling together for awhile so I know him pretty well) Oh please don't.../ *growls and pounces*
Rank Wanted: Beta Female?/ What do I care?
Parents: dead
Rank: not yet
Adoted Pups: --
/ http://www.google.com/imgres?q=small+fae+wolf&start=187&hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS392US392&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=-HR32dmuH11IXM:&imgrefurl=http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2011/01/14/crying-naomi-wolf-over-rape/&docid=e8mfUKN4YCImwM&imgurl=http://msmagazine.com/blog/files/2011/01/Howling_Naomi_Wolf.jpg&w=500&h=494&ei=a
Name: Hugo/Rainy
Age:6 months/four weeks
Gender: brute/fae
Pup crush: eww/ gaaa
Mother: dead
Father: dead
Siblings: Rainy/ gaaa
Are you Adopted?: We don't have parents. They died when mean wolves came to our pack. I've taken care of me and Rainy for two days now XD
Looks: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=wolf+pup&start=282&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&addh=36&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=2-MLd8TwFEEBJM:&imgrefurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/members.htm&docid=XxMslZQEk6R1JM&imgurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/wolf%252520pics/arctic%252520wolf%252520pup2%252520AL.jpg&w=392&h=434&ei=2zoHUOK5L9HTqQG01ODPCA&zoom=1 / http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cute+gray+wolf+pup&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=zdMklZkfxPC1qM:&imgrefurl=http://davewelling.photoshelter.com/image/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc&docid=o_EuhL2DIgIT9M&imgurl=http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc/s/700/694922006-gray-wolf-canis-lupus-wild-pup-yawns-standing-on-hillside-in-Northwest-Territories-Canada.jpg&w=464&h=700&ei=PDwHUIGMG8i_rQHY7oTnCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=888&vpy=250&dur=78&hovh=276&hovw=183&tx=74&ty=298&sig=108051631096124412848&page=3&tbnh=148&tbnw=98&start=45&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:45,i:251
Name: Sarah/Samueal
Nickname: Nope/Sam
Age: 23/34
Gender: You should figure that out yourself
Personality: Meet me honey/ Samuel is a tough guy, though he has soft spots if you can find them. He usually keeps to himself, though he's anything but shy.
Hair Color and Style: Brown, straight, layered, and down to the middle of her back. She has natural blonde highlights/ dirty blonde, short, spikey
Eye Color: blue/hazel
Ht & Wt.: 5'2' 146/6'2' 195, but mostly muscle
Looks Photo: Nope. Sorry buuuttt....you know the hair, eyes and height sooo....Fair complexion, tan, skinny/ not pale, but not exactly tan, either. He doesn't really show his weight, as it's mostly his muscles
Wing Length: 6'
Wings Photo:
Name: Sam (Angel)
Age: 4 almost 5 years (4 years)
Gender:male (Female)
Mate: no (want XD)
Crush: Luna
Pups: want (want)
Siblings: Angel (Sam)
Personality: meet me
History rather not talk about it
Rank Wanted: Rank is to be earned ( I want to prove i am a good pupsitter)
Parents: Dead, but were Rose and Jon
Rank: dont have one
Adoted Pups: not yet
Looks: A light brown/gold with some white.He has sea green eyes and white legs (light gray with matching eyes, and white ppaws, brown tip of tail
Name: Hugo/Rainy
Age:6 months/four weeks
Gender: brute/fae
Pup crush: eww/ gaaa
Mother: dead
Father: dead
Siblings: Rainy/ gaaa
Are you Adopted?: We don't have parents. They died when mean wolves came to our pack. I've taken care of me and Rainy for two days now XD
Looks: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=wolf+pup&start=282&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&addh=36&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=2-MLd8TwFEEBJM:&imgrefurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/members.htm&docid=XxMslZQEk6R1JM&imgurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/wolf%252520pics/arctic%252520wolf%252520pup2%252520AL.jpg&w=392&h=434&ei=2zoHUOK5L9HTqQG01ODPCA&zoom=1 / http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cute+gray+wolf+pup&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=zdMklZkfxPC1qM:&imgrefurl=http://davewelling.photoshelter.com/image/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc&docid=o_EuhL2DIgIT9M&imgurl=http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc/s/700/694922006-gray-wolf-canis-lupus-wild-pup-yawns-standing-on-hillside-in-Northwest-Territories-Canada.jpg&w=464&h=700&ei=PDwHUIGMG8i_rQHY7oTnCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=888&vpy=250&dur=78&hovh=276&hovw=183&tx=74&ty=298&sig=108051631096124412848&page=3&tbnh=148&tbnw=98&start=45&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:45,i:251
Name: Leaf/Taz
Age: YA/5 years
Gender: Fae/Brute
Mate: --
Crush: --
Pups: --
Siblings: dead/ only survivor of my litter
Personality: I'm not like most fae's. I'm smaller but stronger and very alert. I don't really know my own strength, and though most don't see me as a threat I can be if I want. I'm very straightforward usually / *snarls* Go away. I don't like people to pry. I have a soft spot that takes ALOT of work to find
History: (We've been traveling together for awhile so I know him pretty well) Oh please don't.../ *growls and pounces*
Rank Wanted: Beta Female?/ What do I care?
Parents: dead
Rank: not yet
Adoted Pups: --
/ http://www.google.com/imgres?q=small+fae+wolf&start=187&hl=en&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS392US392&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=-HR32dmuH11IXM:&imgrefurl=http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2011/01/14/crying-naomi-wolf-over-rape/&docid=e8mfUKN4YCImwM&imgurl=http://msmagazine.com/blog/files/2011/01/Howling_Naomi_Wolf.jpg&w=500&h=494&ei=a
Name: Hugo/Rainy
Age:6 months/four weeks
Gender: brute/fae
Pup crush: eww/ gaaa
Mother: dead
Father: dead
Siblings: Rainy/ gaaa
Are you Adopted?: We don't have parents. They died when mean wolves came to our pack. I've taken care of me and Rainy for two days now XD
Looks: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=wolf+pup&start=282&hl=en&sa=X&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&addh=36&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=2-MLd8TwFEEBJM:&imgrefurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/members.htm&docid=XxMslZQEk6R1JM&imgurl=http://www.blinddaterocks.com/wolf%252520pics/arctic%252520wolf%252520pup2%252520AL.jpg&w=392&h=434&ei=2zoHUOK5L9HTqQG01ODPCA&zoom=1 / http://www.google.com/imgres?q=cute+gray+wolf+pup&hl=en&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS392&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&tbnid=zdMklZkfxPC1qM:&imgrefurl=http://davewelling.photoshelter.com/image/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc&docid=o_EuhL2DIgIT9M&imgurl=http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000q.iX.FeTPPc/s/700/694922006-gray-wolf-canis-lupus-wild-pup-yawns-standing-on-hillside-in-Northwest-Territories-Canada.jpg&w=464&h=700&ei=PDwHUIGMG8i_rQHY7oTnCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=888&vpy=250&dur=78&hovh=276&hovw=183&tx=74&ty=298&sig=108051631096124412848&page=3&tbnh=148&tbnw=98&start=45&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:45,i:251
ScarletTheKitty- Moderator
- Posts : 2823
Join date : 2011-11-08
Location : Check under your bed...Now slowly turn around *smirk*
Re: Queen-cat's charries
The Hunger Games:
Name: Ray Lee Miller
Nickname: Ray, Lee
Gender: Female
Age: (12-18) 15
District #: 4
Main or Sub-Character?: Main
Gamemaker?: Clairice Hantin
Mentor?: Martin Fleetwood
Specialites: Aim/Throwing, Running
Weapons: Daggers and a long sword
Other: Nope
Looks: I'll find a picture later
Name: Ryan Gurlan
Nickname: Ryan's short enough
Gender: Male
Age: (12-18) 18
District #: 1
Main or Sub-Character?: Main
Gamemaker?: --
Mentor?: --
Specialites: Strategizing
Weapons: Hands, Brain, dagger
Other: Nope
Looks: Eh. I'll find a pictue later
Name: Georgia Dula
Nickname: Gee
Gender: Female
Age: (12-18) 14
District #: 6
Main or Sub-Character?: Sub
Gamemaker?: --
Mentor?: --
Specialites: Climbing
Weapons: Mourning Star, Boomarang (with blades)
Other: She'll be killed soon xD
Looks: *dies*
The Little Pink Book
Name: Alana
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Secrets: To put it simply, she steals and robbs banks, working for criminals. She gets paid little, but doesn't care- her family has enough money anyway.
Name: Robert (Rob)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Secrets: If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?
Name: Ray Lee Miller
Nickname: Ray, Lee
Gender: Female
Age: (12-18) 15
District #: 4
Main or Sub-Character?: Main
Gamemaker?: Clairice Hantin
Mentor?: Martin Fleetwood
Specialites: Aim/Throwing, Running
Weapons: Daggers and a long sword
Other: Nope
Looks: I'll find a picture later
Name: Ryan Gurlan
Nickname: Ryan's short enough
Gender: Male
Age: (12-18) 18
District #: 1
Main or Sub-Character?: Main
Gamemaker?: --
Mentor?: --
Specialites: Strategizing
Weapons: Hands, Brain, dagger
Other: Nope
Looks: Eh. I'll find a pictue later
Name: Georgia Dula
Nickname: Gee
Gender: Female
Age: (12-18) 14
District #: 6
Main or Sub-Character?: Sub
Gamemaker?: --
Mentor?: --
Specialites: Climbing
Weapons: Mourning Star, Boomarang (with blades)
Other: She'll be killed soon xD
Looks: *dies*
The Little Pink Book
Name: Alana
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Secrets: To put it simply, she steals and robbs banks, working for criminals. She gets paid little, but doesn't care- her family has enough money anyway.
Name: Robert (Rob)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Secrets: If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?
ScarletTheKitty- Moderator
- Posts : 2823
Join date : 2011-11-08
Location : Check under your bed...Now slowly turn around *smirk*
Re: Queen-cat's charries
Youngest to Oldest
Pups not born into the pack
Name: Silver
Gender: Fae
Parents: [Not part of the pack] Nuki and Amulet
Personality: Silver is a petite pup, cute as can be. She's not one for fighting or arguing, and is sweet and quiet. She loves chasing butterflies and small animals as well as running through tall grass. She often makes her way into other's hearts by a mixture of her optimistic attitude and sweet smile. If you're feeling down, this little pup is sure to cheer you up.
Rank Desired for future: Like every young pup, Silver hopes to grow up to be an Alpha. However, as she is getting older, she's realizing the truth- it's not likely she will grow to be an alpha. While she still has hope for the Alpha rank, she has also taken an interest in healing.
Pups not born into the pack
Name: Silver
Gender: Fae
Parents: [Not part of the pack] Nuki and Amulet
Personality: Silver is a petite pup, cute as can be. She's not one for fighting or arguing, and is sweet and quiet. She loves chasing butterflies and small animals as well as running through tall grass. She often makes her way into other's hearts by a mixture of her optimistic attitude and sweet smile. If you're feeling down, this little pup is sure to cheer you up.
Rank Desired for future: Like every young pup, Silver hopes to grow up to be an Alpha. However, as she is getting older, she's realizing the truth- it's not likely she will grow to be an alpha. While she still has hope for the Alpha rank, she has also taken an interest in healing.
ScarletTheKitty- Moderator
- Posts : 2823
Join date : 2011-11-08
Location : Check under your bed...Now slowly turn around *smirk*
Re: Queen-cat's charries
Sam .::The Scarred::.
3 years
When first meeting Sam, most think he is tough, guarded, and has no heart. The truth is, Sam has a hard time trusting and it just takes time to get to know the real him. Anyone willing to take the time will find that he is truly a caring brute that has been very unfortunate throughout his life. He is willing to fight for his pack and anyone he feels deserves it. As for love, Sam isn't a big fan.
As mentioned above, Sam is not a fan of love. It takes long enough to win his trust, let alone his heart.
Rank Wanted:
Sam, while always willing to fight for what he believes is right, does not like fighting often. He is good at hunting, and therefore wants to be a hunter.
None, at the moment
Sam has a long, sad history. He's very guarded about it and never talks about it. You'll find if you try to ask him, he immediantly gets grumpy and wants nothing to do with you. He'll only tell those he trusts most- his mate, his family, or possibly a very good friend. Such as me.
Sam was born into a litter of 14, an extremely large, uncommon number. His mother never had enough time on her hands-err, paws. His father had died when he was around two weeks. Often, he and 4 of his siblings stayed with a pupsitter, almost never getting to see his mother. The pupsitter eventually became his mother, along with his four siblings'. When he was seven months, he fell in love. A beautiful fae named Serina. A year later, there were pups on the way- when an earthquake hit. Then a fire started. He was forced to watch his mother burn before his eyes as he and his mate stayed in a wet, somewhat covered area, dodging debris. To top it all off, Fiero, another wolf who had wanted Serina as his mate, and was furious at Sam, suddenly showed up. He made his way through the tall trees that weren't on fire, toward Sam and his mate. Fiero was jealous- had been, ever since Sam had mated with Serina. Here, he saw a chance for revenge. He pushed a burning tree towards Sam. Unfortunatly, the wind caught it and it hit Serina, immedianly killing her. Sam was unable to get out of the spot he was in for quite awhile, forced to look at his mates dead, bloodied body. Fiero had fell into the fire. Everyone he knew had been killed by the dreadful fire. When he finally got away, he promised himself he would never love again.
Found in my album under Sam .::The Scarred::.
Sam .::The Scarred::.
3 years
When first meeting Sam, most think he is tough, guarded, and has no heart. The truth is, Sam has a hard time trusting and it just takes time to get to know the real him. Anyone willing to take the time will find that he is truly a caring brute that has been very unfortunate throughout his life. He is willing to fight for his pack and anyone he feels deserves it. As for love, Sam isn't a big fan.
As mentioned above, Sam is not a fan of love. It takes long enough to win his trust, let alone his heart.
Rank Wanted:
Sam, while always willing to fight for what he believes is right, does not like fighting often. He is good at hunting, and therefore wants to be a hunter.
None, at the moment
Sam has a long, sad history. He's very guarded about it and never talks about it. You'll find if you try to ask him, he immediantly gets grumpy and wants nothing to do with you. He'll only tell those he trusts most- his mate, his family, or possibly a very good friend. Such as me.
Sam was born into a litter of 14, an extremely large, uncommon number. His mother never had enough time on her hands-err, paws. His father had died when he was around two weeks. Often, he and 4 of his siblings stayed with a pupsitter, almost never getting to see his mother. The pupsitter eventually became his mother, along with his four siblings'. When he was seven months, he fell in love. A beautiful fae named Serina. A year later, there were pups on the way- when an earthquake hit. Then a fire started. He was forced to watch his mother burn before his eyes as he and his mate stayed in a wet, somewhat covered area, dodging debris. To top it all off, Fiero, another wolf who had wanted Serina as his mate, and was furious at Sam, suddenly showed up. He made his way through the tall trees that weren't on fire, toward Sam and his mate. Fiero was jealous- had been, ever since Sam had mated with Serina. Here, he saw a chance for revenge. He pushed a burning tree towards Sam. Unfortunatly, the wind caught it and it hit Serina, immedianly killing her. Sam was unable to get out of the spot he was in for quite awhile, forced to look at his mates dead, bloodied body. Fiero had fell into the fire. Everyone he knew had been killed by the dreadful fire. When he finally got away, he promised himself he would never love again.
Found in my album under Sam .::The Scarred::.
ScarletTheKitty- Moderator
- Posts : 2823
Join date : 2011-11-08
Location : Check under your bed...Now slowly turn around *smirk*
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